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Combining expertise with Renault

Good news for all the Automotive Lovers! The Automotive Circle event is practically falling…

This event is one of the places that collects the most OEMS. For our part, what better than sharing a speech full of knowledge, experience and opinion with an OEM?

Quality control is a challenge that Automotive Plants have to face practically inherently. Understanding the problem from the base is vital to eradicate it in the healthiest way possible. For this reason, knowing the materials you work with, analyzing them and seeing the following procedures is something that must be taken into account for the correct resolution of the process. Much more nowadays where materials are requested not only to be fully functional but also to be sustainable.

The price of Quality is very high because there are many focuses of attention that must be kept track of. At the end, it is humanly impossible to be able to control absolutely every detail in a production cycle that is usually quite fast.

From our company, we want to encourage you to participate in events of this type where information is power and Quality Control is an advantage.

If you dare, we leave you at the link of the event: Automotive Circle. Car Body Parts: Materials and Forming Processes 2024

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