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AI in Industrial Automation

Within the Paint Shop in the current Industry 4.0 age, innovation is a non-negotiable proposition. Innovate or liquidate, after the first wave of advanced automation, which disrupted many manufacturing processes with such precision that lagging adopters of this new technology ended up on the sidelines. Those lagging often saw auction signs placed in front of their place of business. No organization is immune from the increasing demands to build products better, faster, and with higher degrees of customization.
For instance, customer choices in vehicle paint coatings have escalated to some models offering over 60 color variations all built at the same plant, on the same line, with the same equipment, and in the same production environment. 
Paint Shops at automakers must make a substantial leap with the deployment of new equipment, software, and technologies. Advanced high-resolution vision systems mated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) on a moving line have made significant contributions to paint defect detection before the final product reaches the customer’s eyes.

AI can provide proven benefits to quality while maintaining throughput goals set by the production demands. AI in the paint shop has demonstrated a noticeable cost saving warranting an immediate consideration and adoption for the following reasons.   
•    AI technology is becoming mainstream in the workplace
•    AI can unlock new operational capabilities within your organization by simplifying assembly, inspection, and maintenance processes
•    What types of digital vision solutions mated with AI exist in the market today
•    What factors you should consider when evaluating digital vision systems with AI tools
Software AI is a top to bottom quality control concept streamlining your relationships with suppliers and customers. Strengthening AI algorithms to mimic human intelligence increases the production process’s speed, flexibility, and efficiency, thus leading to a broader range of products.
The EINES Esφi Moving Line Surface Quality Production Scanner â€“ is an innovative integrated AI system able to scan vehicles on a moving line with short cycle times, no interruption of production tact times, and low maintenance, resulting in higher productivity and efficiency.

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